Saturday, November 14, 2009

Our Proposal

When it happened


How it happened

On Katie's 25th birthday, Nolan wanted to try to recreate their first date. On that first date, Nolan and Katie got coffee and sat on a bench overlooking the Potomac River. That night they sat and talked for hours getting to know each other. From that night on, Old Town Alexandria was a very special place for the two of them, so Nolan thought it was only right to propose there.

His intention was to replicate each detail, right down to the same bench, but fate did not allow for that to happen. With the ring burning a hole in his pocket, Nolan and Katie walked towards that original bench, but other people had decided to spend their night there as well. They decided to turn and walk down along the river to a more secluded area. Not too far along they came across a bench by itself across the path from a large willow tree and under a lone street lamp and sat down. All day it had been gloomy and overcast looking as if rain was inevitable, but fortunately it held off. After a few minutes of talking, Nolan decided to reference that everything had worked out perfectly with it being such a "perfect" night with the rain holding off. Then he turned to Katie and asked her if she knew "What would make it even more perfect?" She replied, "What?" at that moment Nolan bent down on one knee with the ring box opened and answered "If you said you would marry me!" Katie's face was glowing and she was grinning from ear to ear. Speechless, she managed to say "Yes!" and Nolan put the ring on her finger.

A few minutes later, as Katie stared at her newly adorned hand, a group of teenage girls walked by and noticed the ring. Asking if they had just gotten engaged, they all screamed with excitement and gave their congratulations, hugged Katie, and told Nolan he made a good choice with the ring. Shortly after they had their picture taken underneath the tree across the path and spent the rest of the night calling their loved ones to spread the wonderful news!

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